Military service is the life Department of the 21st infantry guard or "Musketeers in Paradise she" always starting from the brigades Commander until the return of those forces and then moved to the 2nd Infantry Brigade guard and Vice-President army region 1.In the event a coup by the Council for democratic reform No. with the King as head of State (khapok.) When Gen. Sonthi Bunyaratklin 2549 (2006) September 19 with the head of the Board of. Gen. Prayut Chan fare, while the ranks of the "Army's" is one who has a key role in the military with orders from the three tribal Commander Pong jinda. Army region 1 Commander พล.ท. later, when Pong has been appointed as Assistant Commander of the army, and now ranks as a "General," Brig. Gen. prayut. now ranks in a "three" and receive a position 1st army sector, and has been appointed as a member of the national legislative Assembly, from the National Security Council (sharp Chor).Gen. Prayut is intimate with the soldier Gen. Anupnga. With all those subordinates in the 21 infantry guard Department. By Islamist Army General prayut El virtual trainer and teacher, an Phong seat for one of their own. Prayut is countersigned by a military that has a soft personality usually next to the word "bit". The speech is another one from the media "to usurp bit."Gen. Prayut received the Deputy head responsible for resolving emergency situations between September 2 and September 14 2551 (2008) 2551 (2008) to the position of Deputy Director of corrections emergency fund.Mr. Abhisit Wetchachiwa was appointed Prime Minister. Gen. Prayut Chan fare as the Chief responsible for resolving emergency situations ranging from October 1 to December 22 2553 (2010) 2554 (2011), and is one of the Board of the International Court of Justice litigation between Thailand and Cambodia, countries 2554 (2011)Gen. Prayut received the Director's duties to keep quiet (observe flavor.) Again, in the Ka sakot Attorney fighting across the Kingdom. When the May 20 2557 (2014)
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