2.1 free enterprise economic system (Free Economy) or capitalism (Capitalism)
.As the economy of private ownership of production factors. Freedom of economic activities fully. The government will not interfere or intervene in the economic activities.So it is the basic problem of private sector. Using the price system or market system to help in the decision to produce what, production.At that price, profit is the motive of the production. Therefore, this economy competition is the very high price and is freely. Because of the cheap, set up from the supply and demand of market
.England is the first country to use this system. Because of the prosperity in business and industry. The British public's occupation of the trade for a long time by using the resources both inside and outside the country มีอาณา estates around the world.Have the freedom to choose consumption decision making and problem solving economic basis. To do by the competitive market. The market price will be as indicators of social needs
.The principle of economy, free. In the system, free principle is indicated as follows (Liberal Arts University of Sukhothai thammathirat open 2538: 57)
.1) acquisition in resources, economic system of liberal capitalism acknowledge ownership is allowed business units or private property ownership and inputs.And of their estate.
.2) freedom of enterprises. Both individual and group person, organization or business units. A full freedom to engage in any. The process with the inputs and their property freely.3) profit is a motivation in economy free. Profit which is part of the reason that rise from the investment is very important to promote the business units were manufactured by the manufacturers focus on new techniquesIn order to gain maximum profit. The consumer is based on the selection criteria to consume goods and services to the satisfaction! With the least amount of money. By comparing their needs from the types of goods other langurs
.4) mechanism of the price, economic system and free price determines the basic problem in production is the manufacturer decided to produce what, how much, By looking at the needs of the pay trend buy all kinds of goods.If consumers want any kind of item, it will spend money to buy the product. Even though the price is high, it will also buy. When a manufacturer will sell Dong's production, product type, because there is sure to sell itself.How much quantity In a free economy, so a price indication and control functions within the economic system that said that. Price taking consumers. Direct manufacturers, specialized production, consumer goods to
.5) the role of the state economic system free state is no role in the economy. The state was only the justice and defense. The federal government will be the service and facilities to private or manufacturer of goods and services.Adam Smith set and drop some to state as follows:
.Copyright protection the country from invasion by force, whether any form, both inside and outside the country
. Protection to citizens get injustice. Or persecution from the actions of the citizens themselves
.Construction of public utilities. To facilitate people
the advantages of a capitalist economic system are as follows:
experience was born แรงจูงใจใน work because it belongs to their own income
.Experience because the producer to compete to sell goods and services to the most. Must improve manufacturing techniques always makes the quality of the work and the quality of the products better
.Experience goods manufacturers have the freedom to decide how to produce what, production, and made to how much
experience Consumers were more likely to consume goods and services. Fair price most
.The disadvantages of the economic system of capitalism. Several bugs together.
.Experience makes the income distribution of the people are not equal. Because the individual in society all assets are not equal.People with much property will profit from their property as well. The opportunity to create inequality in income of the individual in society are very much. If the person with much property, also known as "capitalist" who is lack of ethics.Is important to result in pressure.
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