3. The Triple Bottom Line Concept
& Smardon Bae (in 2011: 178) has identified the need to build a sustainable business is
one of three key issues with together. Also known as the Triple Bottom Line (TBL), which include
economy. Environmental and Social Since then, all three A key component of developing
sustainable. This is consistent with Gimenez, Sierra & Rodon (2012: 150) argues that the concept of The Triple Bottom
Line indicators that organizations not only need to create behavior, social responsibility and the environment
, but also the need to generate profits, achieve together. together with
(1) the performance of the economy (economic performance)
means. Acquisition of a wealth of corporate earnings. Example indicators
include economic, financial performance, which represents growth of net profit. The sales growth,
return on investment. Market share The cost of the reduction of the cost of purchasing raw materials
and energy. Waste Treatment Sewerage Charges reduced from accident environment
and the issues that affect the environment (Conding et al., 2013; Agan, Acar & Borodin, 2,013th;
Sezen & Cankaya, the 2,013th; Montabon, Sroufe & Narasimhan, 2,007th; Zhu. & Sakis, 2,004)
(2) The social action (social Performance)
Guerry & Boots (the 2,012th: 64) says the population. Reflects the fact that. The
business investment will not occur without consequences to the people involved. And the fact that these effects
(whether positive or negative results) should be taken into consideration as a whole. When considering the cost of
all. For example, working conditions, wages, security on duty. Trends, career advancement and
a sense that the occupation has fulfilled the requirements and consequences also for people outside the organization as a group of people who live
around the plant, which may be affected by air pollution
(3) results. Environmental Performance (Environmental Performance)
& Shih Chien (2007th: 387), the definition of environmental operations. The
environmental impact of the operations of the company that caused the environment. The results of operations
include the environment. Reducing waste, both solid / liquid. Reducing emissions Reducing the use of
resources Reducing the use of toxic materials / dangerous to the environment and reduce accidents.
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