ฉันรักแปลMajor boost for economic zones for Indian investors in Bangla การแปล - ฉันรักแปลMajor boost for economic zones for Indian investors in Bangla แอฟริกา วิธีการพูด

ฉันรักแปลMajor boost for economic z

ฉันรักแปลMajor boost for economic zones for Indian investors in Bangladesh
Sohel Parvez
The Daily Star
Publication Date : 02-10-2015

India has agreed to extend part of its fresh US$2 billion loans to develop two economic zones in Bangladesh for its investors, said a top official of the economic zones authority.

The zones will be set up in Mongla and Bheramara and will go some way toward narrowing the rising trade imbalance between Bangladesh and India, the two next-door neighbours.

Last week, the Indian authority agreed to provide $88 million under the new $2 billion line of credit (LoC) for establishing the two economic zones under an agreement signed during Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's two-day visit to Dhaka in June.

Following the deal, Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority sought finance under the new LoC, which India wants to provide to Bangladesh to support infrastructure development, mainly connectivity-related projects, according to finance ministry officials.

BEZA executive chairman Paban Chowdhury said the economic zones would create thousands of new jobs and increase exports.

New technology too will arrive in Bangladesh, he said, adding that it will take two years to develop the two economic zones.

The Bheramara zone spreading across upwards of 400 acres will be the biggest in the country. The one in Mongla will span 110 acres.

For smooth implementation of the two projects, both the countries have decided to form a joint working group (JWG).

Bangladesh and India have also formed panels to represent in the JWG in this regard, officials said.

Chowdhury said his office wants to hold the first meeting of JWG in Dhaka in December this year. The type of investments that would come into the economic zones and various other issues would be discussed at the meeting.

India is the third country after Japan and China to have shown interest in developing economic zones in Bangladesh.

Once set up, they will create jobs and give a boost to the economy as it aims to break the 6 per cent growth trap.

BEZA has so far approved 19 sites, including the Indian economic zones. Also, sites for 12 such industrial areas have received the green light from a pre-screening committee.

The authority also gave permission to establish three private economic zones, with work on the one being developed by Abdul Monem Ltd in Munshiganj going fast, according to Chowdhury.

Of the government sponsored schemes, the development of Mongla Economic Zone on 205 acres of land is also progressing briskly.

Chowdhury said his office wants to see the economic zone in Mongla ready for investors by the middle of next year.

India had earlier extended a $1 billion LoC in 2010. Of the amount, $200 million has already been converted to grants and disbursed.
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Ek is lief vir die vertaling van groot hupstoot vir ekonomiese sones vir die Indiese beleggers in Bangladesj
Sohel Parvez
Die Daily Star
Publication Date: 2015/02/10 Indië het ingestem om 'n Deel van sy Amerikaanse $ 2000000000 lenings aan Vars twee ekonomiese sones in Bangladesj vir sy beleggers te ontwikkel Brei ,. sê 'n top-amptenaar van die ekonomiese sones Owerheid. Sal Die sones opgestel word in Mongla en Bheramara en Will Go een of ander manier na die vernouing van die Rising Trade wanbalans tussen Bangladesj en Indië, die Twee langsaan bure. Verlede week het die Indiese owerheid ooreengekom. om $ 88.000.000 verskaf onder die Nuwe $ 2000000000 lyn van krediet (LOC) vir die stigting van die twee ekonomiese sones onder 'n getekende tydens Indiese Eerste Minister Narendra Modi se tweedaagse besoek aan Dhaka in Junie ooreenkoms. Na aanleiding van die Deal, Bangladesj ekonomiese sones Owerheid gesoek Finansies. onder die Nuwe Lok, wat Indië wil Bangladesj om voorsiening te maak om infrastruktuurontwikkeling, veral Connection-verwante projekte te ondersteun, volgens Ministerie van Finansies Amptenare. Beza Uitvoerende voorsitter Paban Chowdhury het gesê die ekonomiese sones sou duisende nuwe werkgeleenthede te skep en die verhoging van uitvoere. nuwe tegnologie. Te sal kom in Bangladesj, Hy het gesê, en bygevoeg dat dit sal neem twee jaar om die twee ekonomiese sones ontwikkel. Die Bheramara Zone versprei oor opwaarts van 400 Acres gaan die grootste in die land wees. Die een in Mongla sal span 110 Acres. Vir. gladde implementering van die twee projekte, het beide die lande besluit om 'n gesamentlike werkgroep (JWG) vorm. Bangladesj en Indië het ook gevorm panele verteenwoordig in die JWG in hierdie verband, het gesê amptenare. Chowdhury gesê sy kantoor wil Hou die Eerste. Ontmoet van JWG in Dhaka in Desember vanjaar. sou die aard van die beleggings wat sou kom in die ekonomiese sones en verskeie ander kwessies by die vergadering bespreek word. Indië is die derde land na Japan en China het belangstelling getoon in die ontwikkeling van ekonomiese sones in. Bangladesj. Wanneer die opstel, sal hulle werk te skep en gee 'n hupstoot aan die ekonomie soos dit ten doel om die 6 persent groei Trap breek. Beza het tot dusver goedgekeur 19 webwerwe, insluitend die Indiese ekonomiese sones. Ook, terreine vir 12 sulke Industrial. gebiede het die groen lig gegee het van 'n pre-Screening Komitee. Die Owerheid het ook toestemming om Drie private ekonomiese sones te vestig, met die werk aan die een wat ontwikkel is deur Abdul Monem Ltd in Munshiganj vinnig gaan, volgens Chowdhury. Van die Regering Sponsored Skemas. , die ontwikkeling van die Mongla Ekonomiese Sone op 205 akker grond word ook vinnig vorder. Chowdhury gesê sy kantoor wil sien die Ekonomiese Sone in Mongla Gereed vir beleggers teen die middel van volgende jaar. Indië het vroeër Uitgebreide n $ 1000000000 Lok in 2 010. van die bedrag, $ 200,000,000 reeds omgeskakel na toelaes en uitbetaal.

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