All Ingredient suppliers, to Aquamar Inc. Are required to provide the following information.
_ _ Product specification - Please. Be sure to include:
- Vendor product number Product description
- Ingredient Statement Nutritional information
- Shelf. Life
- Shipping and storage, requirements (temperature etc.)
*, Physical chemical and microbiological analyses.Please specify analysis method used.
- Pack size and cases / pallet
Note: Product specification must be dated within the. Current year. Alternately a dated, letter using manufacturer 's company letter head stating the specification is current. Will be acceptable.
_ _ Certificate of Conformance (COC)
_ _ Letter of Continuing Guarantee
_ _ Copy of HACCP Certificate.
._ _ Copy of current label (as it appears on packaging)
_ _ Crisis Management Information (contact names after-hours phone,, Numbers)
_ _ Allergen Questionnaire
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