Refer to, Bermar staff MS. NU, NU WIN MR. HTET SHINE THU as Service in Food & Beverage Department and MR. ALLNG SAN @ AONG. ZAN, the MR. SOE, THAN MR. WIN, NING MR > NYEIN CHAN @ CHAN as a Carpenter in Engineering Department of Nora Buri Resort. The. Resort provide for fee Work Permit. Please see expense for apply as below;
1. Coppy HT 38 / 1 from Municipality, Samui.
2.Fee for health check at Koh Samui Hospital.
3. Fee for Work Permit at Suratthani Labor Office.
Following expenes as.
- Coppy HT 38 / 1 (20 X 6) 120 Bath.
- Health check (600 X 6), 3 600 Bath.
- Fee for Work permit 2 year (2 100 X, 6). 7 200, Bath.
- Fee for chang the Employer (1 000 X, 6), 6 000 Bath.
- Ferry ticket for Car (505 X 6), 3 030 Bath.
.- Two way ferry ticket (150 X 6 X 2), 1 800 Bath.
- Gassoline, 1 000 Bath.
- Meal (200 X 7), 1 400 Bath.
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