8. Activities: Read and Answer
core skills: Correspondence
target framework CEFR:
can understand and interact personal letters about events , feelings and desires
1. Learning standards:
a 1.1 understand and interpret what to listen to and read from the media, and can show the
ideas offer critical thinking, such as writing answer e-mail read
2.? The communicative language teaching (CLT):
.- learning second language will occur if the students interaction or communicate in that language
อย่าง means
-. Communication means when the students through the process that are related to their useful
.Interesting and engaging
An topics: e - mail (electronic mail)
preparation / media / equipment:
prepared e-mail. (electronic mail), the content is simple, with questions to check understanding
.Of the students about to write and answer to the point
stage activities:
1. Students to chat with teacher to electronic media. Other students use to communicate with friends 2
.All students receive letter e-mail (Electronic) content is simple, with questions
3. Students read and understand and answer
4. Students and teachers together to reveal the answer, 5
. Students write e-mail (electronic mail) answer Sara using
.The answers from the questions asked in the letter Sara her sound writing
1. Teachers should understand students how to read and do exercises first. Using Concept Checking
2 Questions.If the school is ready. The teacher the students to answer Sara using electronic mail e-mail
address your teacher instead Sara.
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