Football history. The history of football.The history of football – football (Football) or khakoe (Soccer) software is a sport that is interested to watch the play and join the competition in the world. What is the origin of this sport who truly may not be confirmed of course. Because each nation have confirmed that their countries caused by France and Italy, but in the country, the country has one of the traditional type, called "Su Le" (Soule) or JI Hotel Casino Del Rio (Del Gioco Calcio) looks very similar to playing football nowadays. The two countries may be debated whether the advent of soccer from their respective countries. A decision is not because of the lack of evidence so true. The history of football that there is real evidence that can be referenced. Because the gameplay rules the exact competition Is the uk because British football association in England's football career and 2406 occurs in the year 2431? Evolution Soccer side will go along with the advancement of mankind. The sport originates from the far East to receive vital war influenced by the war God, Alexander has taken "Gallery-Roman" (Gello-Roman) with various sports city into Gaul (Gaul) as part of the Football Foundation in the future and play a hard count Pascal (Harpastum) has been adapted as a Su Le sport.The evolution of soccer.Far easternConfucius is mentioned in the book "kungfu" about sports, especially sports that use the feet and head, in the reign of Emperor. Sheung (Cneng Ti Emperor) (32 BC) There is a sport similar to soccer, which is called the "Sy-Su" (Tsu-Chu), which means to kick the ball with feet movies. This kind of sports are widely popular. Which composer and historian at that time were the famous players honored as national hero and the same has been playing country football in Japan is similar.Middle East regionIn Rome's prosperity has expanded to the far East, the Middle East, especially from. The influence of the war by Lord Alexander One type, called the sport count Pascal is a popular sport for the hard of the ancient Greeks and Romans how to play each side door is then kicked the ball to the desired destination, such as from one village to another village. The play will be a kick or throw forward hard count Pascal meant to swing forward to sport a hard count Pascal in Rome seems to be a source of sports, which are. Play in the middle ages.In the play, the hard count Pascal The size of the pitch is smaller than Su Le Stadium. But the purpose of both sports is to take the ball to the land, but because of a race condition with a bang noise from running the ball, which may cause many accidents. Surfacing is the prohibition of God Act in the name of God, the land of the forbidden city in such sports. Violators shall be punished to imprisonment. There is also a prohibition issued in June 12 1888 harvests. Asked to play archery celebration rather than playing the game of football.Later came a Association football competition. Which is the confrontation between the different teams within about 3-4 miles (5-6.5 kilometers) in this sport discipline 2344. There are a certain number of players on each side. The size of the pitch is between 80 – 100 yards (73-91 meters) and has the edge on both sides of the pitch, which is made with a solid 2-2-3 feet away.In the year 2366, playing football in the current form of Alice is the originator of the William placed the various mandatory rules for football and rugby in the year 2393 has issued regulations, and rules of play into the territories, followed by a limited number of players, with each side 15-20 people.In 2413, players are assigned each side had 11 players, striker and Player 9 people, 2 person by goalie goalie play like 9 feet first, until 1, but goalkeeper handles the ball allowed in 2423.In the year 2400 founded Football Club is the first city in England, and later in phat October 26 11 FC 2406 enlistees have come together in London to founded the Football Association, which is considered to be the Foundation of the National Association of origin until 140 Association and football players to play according to the rules and the rules of the Football Association, until over time it is the abbreviation of the Word Association and become a Soccer Assoc based in the uk, but in American Football refers to American football called.Outside the British Isles they sailors Soldiers, merchants, engineers and even priests have taken this sport to publish. The country is a country in Europe, Denmark 2.In South America the first clubs were set up in Argentina. When the brothers of English people have posted 2 messages newspaper advertisements of the city (Buenos Aires) buenotairet to find out who volunteer in football, it became 2427 subjects in one of the city's school buenotairet. The first national competition in South America, Argentina with Uruguay tournament is in North America, but the race started when 2448 (1905) b.e. 2435.In Italy a hard count Pascal origin JI hotel Casa del Rio city sports players is a leading provider of social or even religious leaders such as tapa's San PA la segment gate 7 Leon 7 Urbain 10 and the Plains as a champion in the sport of soccer to Tyne floren. Later, the Romans have adapted the game to play the hard count Pascal. By requiring the foot tapping the ball only. To use a specific tool sections throw-in the ball, which the Romans warriors played together.Hard count Pascal, which originates from the Roman, have been converted into sports or Le Sue sulo. This type of sport is the same as a hard count Pascal is bring the ball back to the infield, but the land size is much wider.Play Sue Le are often up in Sunday afternoon. After the evening prayer, there will be competition, RTO.
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