In this study in terms of age (Generation), the attention and study a lot. Especially in the Social Sciences, such as sociology, related fieldsThe science involved in marketing and communication in relation with consumer behavior, etc. by the views and concepts. It is classified Generation
has divided into models, such as
.1) Baby Boomers or Generation Boomer or Gen-B
as those born in the year 2489 - 2507 (AD1946 - 1964) which is a World War 2 will terminate and start the war and policy to promote each family had after many national lost in the war).With the restoration, creation, the restoration of many things, the behavior of the people in this group are the ones who know the value of money. Work hard to make a living for the family, married at the age, a fast values work service.People in this group are working to earn money. If To live in the end happily. Who buy products according to the needs of their group have the buying, has the potential to consuming the product.
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