In Thailand had been born of the waters of the flood were often throughout all sectors of the country, especially in the north and Northeast is not even the capital, Bangkok, from various causes floods, heavy rain basin.But all these things cause problems caused many great
The floods that occurred last year, I could not be a Bangkok or other provinces throughout the country from the heavy rain that is a long period of time through the thermal cooling water, and does not keep up with water.Because of the balance between the quantity of rain rain drops into the underground water and the quantity of soil that flows out of that area or sink if the quantity of rain more than the quantity of rain penetration into the underground.It will be a flood of violence prison cell was not much of a flood to come in a gradual manner, but it may take longer than the cooling water out
out.Flood events, the people who say that it is not that it will be a very economic, people lack of income for the educational children did not receive the full study on the performance or the communication
But this flood event, you know that the children of Thailand and neighboring countries are very kind people who help people of Thailand and neighboring countries in all hands were not that it will be a food mattress money, etc.Even though it may be, and his eyes filled with tears, but there was a kind to replace
flooding is a problem that no one knows what will happen, but when they should be prepared for every situation so that with the least damage track news, weather last?to fight against:
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