Year 2014 at a glance
The initial part of the year ahead does not appear to be very auspicious for you on some vital fronts. Because of Saturn and North Node 's conjunction in the 12th House from your Sign. Your health particularly is likely to,,, Cause some very anxious moments. Other negative things portended include litigation and financial losses.So Ganesha advises you to be very careful on these fronts. From the, second quarter though the stars, shall start shining. Down on you favourably. Your self-esteem is likely to increase as you will focus on improving your health and expanding. Your knowledge base. You shall also realise the importance of money and shall begin to start saving instead of blowing up. Your hard-earned, Also money.Remember that these are Sun Sign based general predictions. If you wish to gain deeper insights about your future in the. Year ahead you might, consider buying an in-depth reading created basis, your Personal Horoscope - 2014 Detailed Yearly. Report.
Plus if you, are an avid follower of the stars' / ', planets movementsAnd would like to fine-tune your movements and decisions with the very vital cosmic movements you may, choose to get 2014 Transits. Report
- to know how and when a planet 's movement will affect your Birth Chart, and thus your life.
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